Sunday, December 20, 2020

Racism, A Serious Problem Dividing People And Destroying Communities

Racial protest in America

Racial protest in America

Very often, if the word racism is mentioned, the idea that comes to mind is white people hating black people. That's true, however, we have black people that hate white people too and black people that hate other black people. 

The latter is one of the biggest issues in the United States of America, often leading to violence in black communities. There are thousands of cases involving blacks killing blacks in the United States of America, but such cases are not given enough attention in America until the whites killing blacks changed things today, through the 'Black Lives Matter' movement.


Even in Africa, especially, South Africa, there is still racism, despite the number of years that have passed since the fall of Apartheid, because the white community that has taken over black properties, including lands, feel superior. Till now many regret the fall of Apartheid since they consider black people inferior in their own country.

In almost every African country, tribalism reigns, as citizens or indigenous people hate others because they come from different clans, tribes, or villages. For example, in Ghana, an Ashanti can hate a Fanti, Ga, or Hausa, just because they come from different regions, just like how in Nigeria, a Yoruba hates an Igbo man, or the Mende hating Creole in Sierra Leone.  Tribalism and nepotism are some of the biggest problems in Africa.


Power corrupts a person, as well as the mind, therefore, to gain power over others, and to dominate others, those that have the power take it as an opportunity to rise over other poor and vulnerable people. That might be one of the reasons slavery probably came about because Africa was and still one of the undeveloped and weakest continents in the world. Even though the US didn't colonize any African country, its allies in Western Europe decimated and brutalized Africa.


If actually, we need to discuss slavery, it will be incomplete to name racism as the main source leading to that. There is more to slavery that dwells on the natural potentials of Africa, ranging from gold, diamonds, tin, cobalt, manganese, bauxite, and other precious minerals found in African soil. Those pure natural resources have become the curse of Africa from the time of slavery, colonialism, Apartheid to the deliberate infection of diseases on the continent today.


Drawings related to the slave trade

Drawings related to the slave trade

As a matter of fact, there is no organization or person that can fight racism and discrimination in our society today but it can be reduced. But one thing racists and white supremacists must first understand is nobody lives forever. Everyone will die and leave this world. So what is the significance of hating someone or claiming you are superior to him when all of you will leave this world into your graves?

Another point is when the rain falls, hardly it falls on one man's house, everyone's house becomes wet, therefore, those interested in violence and support racism will have a taste of their own hand works, if violence breaks out in our communities. They will feel the impact of destruction and death in their homes.

For peace, security, and the future of our children, we need to bury racism and discrimination and create a friendly, healthy, and peaceful environment, through integration and the diversity of culture, for the next generation. 

That's is the only way their time will be different from us because we have witnessed too much violence, bloodshed, and death that we are no longer interested to see any more.

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