Monday, December 14, 2020

Medical Crime Against Australian Children By Holland


Australian children: Courtesy National Archives of Australia

Australian children: Courtesy National Archives of Australia

When Professor Johan Van Dongen was a student and animal technician at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, he once visited the university’s library, and out of the blue stumbled upon a newspaper report over a medical crime committed against children in Australia. 

The shocking news revealed The Netherlands on child abuse, for human research in Australia in 1972. That means Holland didn't only commit crimes during the Apartheid era in South Africa but also in Australia. The crime involves experiments with dubious vaccines.


In Australia between 1940 and 1970, hundreds of orphaned children, including babies were used as guinea pigs, to test vaccines against influenza, pertussis, and herpes. This medical crime was later confirmed by David Vaux, an Australian expert on infections. In the largest experiment, 350 children, including young infants, aged between 3 and 36 months, were injected with doses intended for adults.

The idea was that the response would be of advantage or bring positive results, to carry on with the test. Such experiments, according to Vaux, weren’t secret. They discussed these experiments, just in medical journals and they fit within the then ethical standards.


The Walter and Eliza Institute in Melbourne, where the tests were performed, revealed that the orphans after the ‘vaccination’ were plagued by a variety of diseases which nowadays can be compared with the fall out of Aids.

Many homes were run by the church and the management always worked along with the tests. Those tests most likely have continued even after 1970, according to the book entitled Kalikineros: “Every Second Child”, indicating that in 1974, a mysterious infant mortality among Aborigine children in Australia occurred. 

According to Doctor Archie Kalikerinos and his associate Glen Dettman, it is noticeable that in the early seventies increase in young infants deaths were recorded. In some areas of the Northern Territory, there were 500 deaths per 1,000 babies. As a consequence of these findings, Kalikineros started an extensive investigation about the fact, why or what caused the high rate of death of children? 

His investigations showed that the children had died of an immunological toxic shock that was caused by the rapidly repeated vaccination of infants and babies including measles, polio, or tuberculosis vaccinations.

In many cases, there was fatal pneumonia which can be compared with pneumocistii carinii pneumonia PCP, a disease that currently qualifies as an opportunistic infection in AIDS patients. “I could not believe my own eyes,” Kalikeneros said. 

This information affected him and he had mixed feelings about the work he was doing. Although he wasn’t highly educated like his superiors, yet he realized the medical establishment doesn’t seem how they looked like and never take the crime they were committing into consideration.

Johan, as a student, knew it was wrong to discuss this matter with his superiors because it was a legal experiment in those days and as an experimental micro-surgeon and animal  technician, he finds it difficult to speak to his superiors about it. 

Obviously genetically modified weapons have already been in development long before ordinary people became aware of them. Always information does not reach ordinary citizens because it is packed in scientific jargon in a way that people cannot do anything with it or understand what is going on.

Was it only in Australia that the medical crime 

was committed?


Still, in 2015, the fate of humanity lies in the hands of indiscriminate scientists, politicians, and soldiers, who take advantage of false statements that have caused a lot of problems in Africa. Everybody can say it is very stupid that African people believe that having unprotected sex with a virgin can cure Aids. But then these people also think that foreign countries who offer new medicines or offering a cure against Ebola or HIV are also easy to believe.

As long as people think that way and as long as there are employees of governments, police departments, military personnel, and healthcare workers, who prefer money above the wellness of their fellow citizens, foreign countries can commit any crime with money, politics, and military power.

As Johan had said before about Africa, we can see the real purpose of the so-called famous institutes telling ordinary people the need by testing vaccines.

Their money and criminal behavior are devil instruments to test anything they like on ordinary African people. So-called Aids and Ebola vaccine programs in order to find remedies against their own western devil-like research brought not only diseases to Africa but also poverty, civil wars, and ethnic conflicts, instead of stopping or eradicating them.

Johan’s discovery that genetic engineering processes a certain strain of the Ebola virus was made in the former Soviet Union, had such a tremendous impact on him. It forced him to link all these findings with the outbreaks before in laboratories throughout the world and specifically in Australia, in order to find the clue of the outbreaks in Africa.

This wasn’t an easy task because he had to deal with strict experimental transplantation programs, lots of autopsies and to study his work and also being available for all the normal proceedings, which were required for normal function within a university setting, such as to become a member of the University Council.

Above all, he had to study topics in Immunology, Microsurgery, Biochemistry, Biology and several other disciplines one needs for discussion during university meetings and therefore he was obligated to go to the library where he took the advantage to continue his undercover investigation for revealing the truth about the origin of Aids and Ebola.

There it was again when he read what fathers can do to their children. General Arthur MacArthur, the father of the famous Douglas MacArthur of World War II was ordered by the political, pharmaceutical, and medical establishments, to inoculate the general population of the Philippines, with live smallpox vaccine and lots of other vaccines compared with Australian vaccines.

Not only in the Philippines but also in Australia, England, and France. These devil-like actions killed more people than all other smallpox epidemics. Nowadays it is also known that in the 1950s the U.S. military experimented on innocent Eskimos and Indians with radioactive drugs and experimental viruses and vaccines.

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