Sunday, December 13, 2020

Why Journalism Has Become A Profession To Feed The Stomach But Not For The Truth

The skull: Many journalists fear to speak the truth because of death but all of us will be a skeleton

Journalism, the profession which used to be a respectable career, involving the dissemination of information in both print and electronic media, has now lost its significance and integrity because there is no more truth anywhere in this world when it comes to accuracy and professional journalism.

Gone are the days when the media houses employ hard-working journalists ready to die for the truth. Now our media houses, including CNN and the BBC, are no longer interested in journalists that speak the truth. A journalist can easily lose his life or his job for speaking the truth.

This has forced journalism not only to be one of the dangerous professions in the world but has also degraded the profession to be a cheap and non-respectable profession, questioning the integrity of journalists over and over every day. 

The persecutions and killings of journalists that abide by the truth have forced many of them to be living liars. Journalists are now chronic liars. They write false articles on every subject and topic, including politics, medical, health, or diseases, to please their employers and get paid every month in their entire lives as professional journalists.


Killed journalists left, Khashoggi and right, Hussein-Suale

While in Africa as students, we hold in high esteem everything that is foreign, while many Africans continuously abused themselves psychologically to believe that 'God has cursed Africa,' that's one of the reasons the continent never progresses in any way. 

Till now, many Africans hardly believe that Western Europe and America, are responsible for the unstable governments, corruption, and poverty in Africa, after slavery, colonialism aggression, horrors of Apartheid, and the deliberate spread of diseases on the continent.

Europe and American leaders keep telling African leaders that they are corrupt but both governments for decades have been supporting corruptible governments in Africa, making it easier for them to get whatever they are looking for on the continent, including Africa's rich mineral resources.

I used to think that the best part of quality journalism can be experienced in Europe and America since they have the best journalism schools. Decades ago when I came to Europe, I realized that it is not everything that glitters is gold, as our elders say to warn us to be careful of sheep in wolves clothing.

Journalism in Europe and America is actually full of lies and deceptions than that of the third world. Why because third-world countries don't commit any crimes against Europe and America but the two continents in the past have committed heinous crimes against humanity, such as slavery, colonialism atrocities, and Apartheid.

Where European and American journalists, especially, those in the in media houses such as the CNN and BBC, have shown their deceptions, hypocrisy, and lies in journalism, is the fact that nobody has ever written the truth about man-made diseases, such as HIV-aids, Burkitt's lymphoma, Lassa fever, Kaposi's sarcoma, nodding disease, etc, inflicted on innocent populations in Africa.

While the European and American journalists, even though some claim to be medical writers or health journalists, continue to support false medical information provided by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the US government, just because the African populations are the victims. 

European and American journalists continue to lie and now their cups are full to the brim. How long will they continue to write that monkeys are responsible for HIV-aids, bats are responsible for Ebola, and nodding disease is a strange disease? That false information is stuck on the websites of WHO and CDC, they can't remove them.

Crimes, suffering, and violence have increased in every part of the world today because the truth doesn't matter any longer. The politicians that put terrorists behind bars are the same people that commit crimes with impunity and continue to support the crimes of the US government. Our reward today is the coronavirus. 

Unfortunately, it's the innocent people that pay the price for the horrible crimes their leaders commit. This is the truth that I write that Google, the US, and the Belgium governments, wouldn't like me to write and, therefore, continue to suppress information on our blogs. 

However, I am not worried because we have been successful bloggers with hundreds of readers, without the assistance of Google search engine, since many are sick and tired of the lies and deceptions on the internet. Finally, it's worth saying that if the European and American governments fear exposure, then they must stop committing crimes in Africa.

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