Thursday, December 10, 2020

Trump Couldn't Visit Africa, Because There Is No Country Called Nambia


Trump called an African country 'Nambia,' but no country exists by that name

Trump called an African country 'Nambia,' but no country exists by that name

If someone doesn’t like Africa; the statements of the person can reveal it equally like his actions. Like father like son, Trump’s father, Fred, refused to rent his apartment for black people in America, and since the gene has been passed on to Trump, the man hates Africa, the continent that resources create employment and flourish the economies of  Europe and America.


On our genuine and authentic health blog, “Secrets Of HIV-Aids And Ebola Facts Journal,” we have published a lot of articles, especially for African leaders to be fully aware that Donald Trump is an American leader who is neither interested in Africa nor in their leaders.

For example, we published there is NO RECORD IN AMERICA’S HISTORY THAT TRUMP HAS BEEN TO AFRICA BEFORE but there are images of his sons Donald Jr. and Eric Trump with a leopard and other big game kills in the past. Donald Trump didn’t only call African leaders corrupt, he referred the entire continent to “Shithole nations.”

I know that Trump will never ever visit any African country, therefore, I wasn’t surprised when I read that “US First Lady Melania Trump announced that she would visit Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, and Egypt, on her first major international solo trip to promote child welfare and education in 2018.


Since Trump hasn't been to Africa before, he may probably lack knowledge about the continent. At the United Nations General Assembly, Trump who knew that some African leaders are also not interested in him tried to please them.


Trump said to the African leaders that, Africa has tremendous business potential,” and also praised healthcare advances in a non-existent country. According to him, he has many friends going to your countries trying to get rich.


He also praised the health system of "Nambia," the former German colony which is not a nation, as “increasingly self-sufficient”.


A White House transcript appears to suggest he intended to refer to Namibia, whose President Hage Geingob also delivered a speech at the assembly. Mr. Trump may also have confused the country with Gambia or Zambia.


The US President mentioned “Nambia” twice during his address  The first mention came as he read from a list of the countries whose leaders were inattendance.


He said: “I’m greatly honored to host this lunch, to be joined by the leaders of Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Nambia, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, and South Africa.”


Mr. Trump later congratulated the nine leaders on attracting businesses from the US.


“Africa has tremendous business potential,” he said. “I have so many friends going to your countries, trying to get rich. I congratulate you. They’re spending a lot of money."


“It has a tremendous business potential and represents huge amounts of different markets. And for American firms, it’s really become a place that they have to go – that they want to go.”


On African health initiatives, Trump said: “Uganda has made incredible strides in the battle against HIV/Aids. In Guinea and Nigeria, you fought a horrifying Ebola outbreak. Namibia's health system is increasingly self-sufficient.”

Just look what he said about Uganda's incredible strides in the battle against HIV-aids and Guinea and Nigeria's fight against Ebola, as if the diseases miraculously appeared in those countries from heaven. This is how all US presidents speak even if they commit crimes.

Calling the name of an African country that doesn't exist became ridicule on social media. 

Because of the fragile educational system in Africa, many foreign institutions underestimate Africa, yet African children are very intelligent. 

They can show the geographical position of many European and American countries, including its capital cities, whereby European and American children don’t know much about Africa.


Very often, one of the causes of teenage pregnancy is said to be the lack of education, yet Britain leads with teenage pregnancy, followed by America. Thus, are Africa teenagers learning effectively than European and American teenagers?

Africa should never be underestimated. There is a lot that many including Donald Trump can learn from the continent, to avoid calling any African country Namibia 'Nambia.' 

Europe and America continue to disrespect Africa, despite all that is looted from the continent. The wealth of Africa has now become its curse but Europe and America often forget that whatever one sows the same he shall reap.

They subjected the continent to all kinds of cruelties and destruction after, slavery, with colonialism atrocities, horrors of Apartheid, and the deliberate spread of diseases, including Aids and Ebola. 

Today, the experience of the coronavirus will let them fully understand how the continent of Africa has suffered in their hands, just because of its valuable resources.

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