Wednesday, January 06, 2021



AfricaCheck, declaring facts to fiction

AfricaCheck, declaring facts to fiction

Worldwide, governments, including the US, and presidents, such as Donald Trump, have set their sights on false or fake news, with the hope to reduce this social menace causing crime, violence, fear, and anxiety, in our society today but all efforts have been a total failure. Yes, in a world that people easily believe in lies and deceptions than the truth, it seems false news is winning and the truth is sinking.


In Ghana, my country, the elders often say that “If someone is pulling a rope and at a point, it stops, then something is holding on to it at the other end.” In other words, there are elites, big institutions, rich people, organizations, and law enforcement officers, abetting and aiding crime and fake news, making the fight against false information fruitless efforts.


There are investigations about the illegal activities in Africa or third world countries by many organizations in Europe and the United State of America, that are never taken as an important issue, the fact that the victims are citizens from the third world, yet it’s always a topic, even attracting the International Criminal Court (ICC) to step in if an African leader commits a crime against humanity.


I will be very glad if ‘AfricaCheck,’ will find out how HIV-aids, Ebola, nodding disease, Burkitt’s lymphoma, tuberculosis, etc, appeared in Africa, apart from malaria, than abetting and aiding crimes perpetrated against Africa by declaring genuine articles false.


There is never a time when writing about crime in third world countries, without mentioning the name of Bill Gates because many organizations are behind his diabolical agenda, and ‘AfricaCheck,’ is one of them. Why the mainstream media have failed to investigate the clandestine works of Bill Gates in Africa? Why are certain organizations declaring genuine articles about Bill Gates false?


Bill Gates is a professional criminal-tagged philanthropist and is now under the umbrella of the World Health Organization. Doing what? The mainstream media, advanced countries’ journalists, and health institutions know what Gates does but the fact that he commits his crimes in the third world, hardly exposed.


One who doesn’t have a qualification in medicine shouldn’t work with any health institution, so what is Bill Gates doing at the World Health Organization? Part of Bill Gates’ diabolical agenda is to experiment with citizens of the third world, using them as guinea pigs in testing new drugs and vaccines manufactured by advanced countries’ pharmaceutical companies.


Through Gates deception, contaminated vaccines easily find their way into third world countries to reduce childbirth and Europe and America find nothing wrong with this criminal act, the fact that overpopulation in the third world is putting pressure on Europe and America, thus; no media is interested to investigate the reason Bill Gates is with the World Health Organization.


Which organization says they love Africa with all their heart; therefore, they will educate the poor and eradicate poverty? Africa is loved because of its rich resources but not the people. Europe and America can’t say they love Africa after committing such atrocities on the continent through slavery, Apartheid, colonial brutality, and the deliberate spread of diseases.


So, Bill Gates can’t tell me that he loves Africa, the reason he wants to educate the poor and eradicate poverty on the continent. Was he not the same person accused by Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, of testing and spreading Ebola in The Democratic Republic of Congo?


Related article:  Facts About Genuine Article Of Gates’ Arrest By The FBI, Declared Fake By AfricaCheck That Will Blow Your Mind

Yet, when any articles about his clandestine crimes are published by independent media and journalists, websites like “Africa-Check,” organizations and the Executive Director of the World Health Organization, Dr. Michael Ryan, have the guts to declare them false.


On the website ‘AfricaCheck, it is proudly written “these are our partners,” referring to the mentioned associations, businesses, media, organizations, and financial institutions below. It was a complete task for me to contact each of them to find out their affiliation with such a deceptive organization called “AfricaCheck.”


Konrad Adenauer Stifteung

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Fojo Media Institute (Linnaeus University)


The Raith Foundation

Open Society Foundations

RWN Foundation

Wits Journalism

And the Standard Bank


That means all the afore-mentioned institutions are the principal or the major contributor sponsoring ‘AFRICA CHECK. What did they see and how they become interested in sponsoring AfricaCheck?


My research revealed that Europeans and Americans, either individuals or institutions if they want to avoid their deceptive and clandestine activities in Africa is known by the general public, they seek sponsorship from reputable companies, organizations, financial institutions and also employ Africans in their midst.


I wasn’t surprised when I found out that “AfricaCheck” has representatives or offices in both Nigeria and Senegal.


In Ghana, there is a famous journalist called Anas Amereyaw Anas, the under investigative journalist who has exposed hundreds of corrupt Ghanaian politicians, judges, and many occupying high positions in the country.


Anas Amereyaw Anas, one of Ghana's investigative journalists

Anas Amereyaw Anas, one of Ghana's investigative journalists

However, when I visited his website one day, I found out that two of those that have endorsed him were Bill Gates and Barack Obama. Why Gates and Obama did endorse the Ghanaian journalist?


They did that to avoid Anas Amereyaw Anas investigating them because Gates is responsible for experimenting with the Ebola virus in the Congo and other medical crimes in the third world, while Obama’s administration was also responsible for the Ebola that struck simultaneously in three West African countries of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.


One thing which I want to make it clear is that there is no African or black man who is stupid. The advanced world wants to let the black man feel that way because an African has lost his identity and respect by slavery, colonialism, Apartheid, and the impact of man-made diseases but an African hasn’t lost his brain.


I can be oppressed, underestimated, as it happened to me in Belgium in the past twenty years but such unfriendly circumstances don’t change my style of writing or prevent me from writing the truth. Even if my articles are suppressed and only one person reads what I write, I will still continue writing because that single reader is the one giving me the inspiration not to give up.


The world is cruel, full of dishonesty and crime but most of these crimes come from politicians, presidents, judges, and leaders of our society, while they put innocent people behind bars, while the same innocent people pay for the crimes the leaders commit.


In life, what one sows the same he shall reap? Yes, one can plant a tomato and harvest an apple. Whoever digs a pit for someone to fall in will fall into it himself.


For decades advanced countries’ leaders, the media, kings, and queens, have aided, supported, and abetted the crimes of the US government against the third world, blowing trumpets and feeding false information on the websites of the WHO and the CDC that monkeys, bushmeat and bats are responsible for HIV-aids and Ebola in Africa, today the coronavirus has come to attack them in the same way they did to Africa.

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