Saturday, January 09, 2021

The Prophesy Of The fall Of America Has Started, Don't Blame Trump For The Political Unrest


Donald Trump supporters at the US Capitol

Donald Trump supporters at the US Capitol

The world is witnessing certain unusual and unpredictable events in the political history of the United States of America since Donald Trump became the President. In the past and today, everyone is blaming him for the political unrest, promotion of white supremacy, and racism in America.


However, this is not true, before Trump, America has never been a good country for African-Americans and Native Americans. Decades after the abolition of slavery blacks in the United States are seen as second-class citizens but the fact is what is taking place in America at the moment, can be linked to predictions and some prophecies against the country in the bible. What America is experiencing now is the judgment of God.


According to sources, over a hundred million copies of the Bible are sold each year in the United States of America but I don't think there will be any argument if the US is said to be the most wicked country in the world since America Is Under Leaders That Neither Repent Of Its Crimes Nor Reject Sins.


The way the leaders can lie, deceive and at the same can kill with biological weapons without remorse, claiming bats, monkeys, primates, etc, are responsible for HIV-Aids, and deliberately spread tuberculosis among aids patients in Africa and Asia, are enough to warn and any intelligent person that American leaders are extremely dangerous.


Not even Barack Obama, an African by origin, spared Africa, under his administration. He opened the hell Gates of Ebola to strike three West African countries of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone in 2014. The allies of the United States of America, such as France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Britain, etc, aided and abetted the crimes of the US government to their ruins today by the coronavirus.


What baffles me most is that like someone who after eating a whole pack of hamburger and satisfied, then wiped the mouth clean and pretends hasn’t eaten the whole day; same America will commit every crime against humanity and after that say it loud on top of their voice, “In God We Trust.” They have used God's name to commit each crime and now it seems this has taken its toll on them.

All the bad things in this world are done by American leaders, yet they interfere in other governments, telling them what to do, putting sanctions on them, which mostly affect and starve the only the common people or if possible find a way to destabilize that government to create difficulties for the country.


There are so many pastors or priests, whatever, that call themselves prophets in the United States of America, yet it’s hard to say if God really communicates with them since their prophecies hardly come through and at the same time have never warned the impending doom awaiting for this country, that has terrorized many poor, weak, and vulnerable nations across the world.


In the biblical time of Israel, God communicates with his prophets, sending messages of warning to nations and leaders, and kings that are committing crimes against humanity and those rebelling against Jehovah. Unfortunately, we don’t have those kinds of prophets in the United States of America. The so-called prophets actually aided and abetted the crimes of the US government by keeping their mouths shut.


Related topic: The Baal Prophets Of America 2020 Elections That Victory Prophecies For Trump Failed


It was during the election 2020, some claimed heard the voice of God speaking to them that Donald Trump will win, but none of those prophecies come true, they were all blown across the Sahara desert. The most disgraceful part of the story is they were actually prophesying for a leader who doesn’t know God and promoting white supremacy in the country. If Trump knows God, his bible will remind him that God created man in His own image.


The fall of America started after the brutal murder of George Floyd. There have been hundreds of protests and demonstrations that have taken place in the political history of America but those after Floyd’s death are overwhelming. Yet, despite all the changes, including the destruction of the controversial statues, there has never been peace in the United States of America till today.


Many may put the blame on Trump, refusing to accept defeat or responsible for the chaotic situations in the country but in my opinion, he is not responsible. The Blood Of An Ebola Victim Speaks After Death, therefore, America is now receiving the payment, firstly for killing innocent people with biological weapons and, secondly, lying that bats are responsible. The Holy bible and lies are not friends.


“Everybody wants to go up to heaven, yet nobody wants to die,” sings the Jamaican reggae star, Peter Tosh, so how can peace be in America if nobody is prepared to speak about the clandestine crimes of the government, not even the so-called prophets?


Like Babylon, America has fallen and nothing can bring back its lost glory and foolish pride, not even the newly –elected president, Joe Biden can save America. 

Even though I am not a prophet, my prophecy is things will be very bad in America under Biden to the extent that many may wish the rejected and disgraced ex-president, Donald Trump was still president.

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