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America's democracy is the oppression of black people |
“I am convinced that the Bible is the best gift that God has ever given a person. All the best from the Savior of the world is passed on to us through this book.”- This statement was made by Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America.
His statement reflects on how the Bible has proved to be a great book in the American society but after him, what role did the Bible play in the hands of other American leaders?
America is a country well defined as a land of opportunity but also it may likely be one of the cruelest countries in the world, in the shadow of democracy.
Power corrupts the mind;
thus, the influence of power on American leaders, continue to be a disaster and
oppression to poor and weak nations but a delight to American leaders. I have never seen a country that has so much
pleasure in wickedness than the United States of America.
It is a country that neither repents of its crimes nor reject sins. If the US government considers it necessary to wipe out an entire nation to get whatever they are looking for, America will do it. They don’t care about the number of people they will kill to get whatever they consider valuable.
That is how those that have strength or power continue to abuse it by oppressing the poor just as in the ocean the big fish always try to swallow down the small fish.
The crimes of American leaders also continue to generate hate for its innocent citizens. Many hate Americans around the globe but they are not responsible for the crimes their leaders commit.
America enjoys committing so much crime to the extent that drugs and medicines sent to third world countries, including Africa, to treat HIV-Aids patients were contaminated giving rise to tuberculosis among Aids patients at the same time.
Medical documents I obtained from the Dutch scientist, Johan van Dongen, and the German doctor, Wolff Geisler, revealed this horrible medical crime. (The two medical professionals don't know each other.)
Recently, going deep into the work of Ama Ata Aidoo, one of the prominent female Ghanaian writers, I found one of her old interviews on Youtube about economic and health issues in Africa. She spoke about strange diseases, including tuberculosis that out from nowhere ‘miraculously’ appeared in Africa.
The listening to that interview opened my mind and without any doubt realized that Ama Ata Aidoo may probably be one of Africa's greatest scholars after Kwame Nkrumah.
The fact that she spoke about the deliberate infection of tuberculosis in Africa and the documents I had from both the Dutch scientist, Johan van Dongen and the German doctor, Wolff Geisler were accurate to what Madam Aidoo said.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTjLRjUs8lY
The US government didn’t only spread tuberculosis in Africa but also HIV-Aids, Ebola, Burkitt's lymphoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, and nodding disease.
They were deliberately inflicted on the African population, by the US and British governments and Apartheid leaders of South Africa.
Even though most of the medical crimes committed by the US government take place in the third world countries, they affect other countries too, including China.
In 2014, it was estimated that 501,000 people are living with HIV and 21,000 people have succumbed to the disease.
Another interesting point is that even though Ebola occurred predominantly in African countries; it affects China since the Chinese government has contracts of diverse projects going on in Africa. One of the reasons, China sent medical aid to Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, in 2014, during the Ebola outbreak.
Since China or any developed country has never questioned the US government about its clandestine crime, the US government has no intention to refrain from using biological weapons on innocent population, until last year December, fed up China retaliated with the deadly devastating coronavirus.
Now America is sober and licking its wounds but the painful part of this story is the death of thousands of innocent people around the globe that haven’t committed any crime, including those in America that have to pay for the sins of the US government.
It's sad and painful. The question is will the world experienced such a disaster again after the COVID-19 subsides? Yes, time after time, the need to depopulate the world is necessary for the eugenics. Time will tell.
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