Sunday, January 10, 2021


Bad decisions will give you the experience to make good decisions

Bad decisions will give you the experience to make good decisions, photo credit:

According to the scriptures, God created man in His own image, which means each one of us has a Godly-like spirit in us to determine what is good and what is bad. Based on these Scriptures we are able to understand the principles of love and care to treat others the way we wouldn't like to be treated.

However, we have a different world today because of greed, power, and the thirst for supremacy to dominate others. This has made the world the most dangerous place to live in. There is no peace anywhere and each day, everyone lives in fear and anxiety.


There was a time, adults are known to be among the highest suicide rates but today, the number of children committing suicide is increasing daily. Why children are no longer interested to live in this world? There are many reasons.

Related topic: Why Many Are Not Happy To Live In This World Any More


Many children have depressive symptoms during this coronavirus pandemic

Many children have depressive symptoms during this coronavirus pandemic


The road of life has made it simple for us, you either have to "Enter through the narrow gate, for wide, is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction or choose the small gate and narrow road that leads to life, but only a few can find it." 


Therefore, when you are on the road of life and you meet the joined ways, which one do you take the left or the right? If bad decisions give one the experience to make good decisions, why do we still have grown-up monsters among humanity as politicians today?


When we were children, our parents were our guide in life because we were not able to decide what is good for or bad for ourselves. We were, therefore, educated both at school and home to be good people in society, yet the world is full of evil, horrifying pure evil.


We are seeing more violence against women, crimes against humanity, and the killing of innocent people, daily,, throughout the whole world. Why some politicians so cruel? To whom do they belong, Jezebel, Satan, Beelzebub, or other entity?


Crime can never be eliminated from society but can be reduced and this can be done by understanding the needs of your brothers and sisters, to give them the necessary help they need. 


Everyone will die, no one lives forever, so if it's wrong to take someone's life and those that commit crimes serve time in prisons, why politicians and scientists that create biological weapons to kill innocent people are never prosecuted?


The failure of governments to put elites behind bars for the crimes they commit against humanity; are some of the reaping rewards today. 

Until the world, rise against their leaders, demand questions, and put them behind bars, for their clandestine crimes against humanity, between 20 to 30 years, the world will never know what is peace and free from man-made diseases. 

Some of our leaders are seen as politicians but they are not humans, they are pure evil like King Leopold II, of Belgium, Hilter of Germany, and Idi Amin of Uganda, Africa.

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