Monday, April 05, 2021



One of Jesus' miracles, walking on the sea

One of Jesus' miracles, walking on the sea

While preaching the word of God, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him that “If you remain faithful to my word, you will truly be my disciples; you will know the truth and the truth will make you free”


Jesus was talking about spiritual freedom but till today many still don’t understand.


Jesus knew if we proclaim the truth, the world will hate us. He confirms it by saying that “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”


In fact, many continue to suffer, be oppressed, and even killed for the truth, therefore, he was talking about spiritual freedom. Real freedom doesn't exist and it will never be so far as the world has monsters living amongst us as human beings.


Just as many are confused today about this statement Jesus made thousands of years ago, the same Jews misunderstood and answered him, “We are descendants of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone. How can you say you will become free?”


Jesus replied, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever sins is a slave to sin. Now the slave does not stay in the house forever, but the son always stays there; so if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. What a great man full of unparallel wisdom?


The biblical stories, whether tampered with or fabricated fantasy stories, as atheists want us to believe or accept, remain the best book to read. The bible has transformed many lost souls and brought the prodigal sons and daughters back home to their distraught parents.


The bible has given hope, comfort, and salvation to many that previously contemplated committing suicide because of hardships, crimes, cruelties, oppression, suffering, and diseases, that have plagued mankind from generation to generation.


Out of love, God offers his only Son as a sacrifice, for our salvation. Jesus performed many miracles. He raises the dead; spreads the Gospel to every corner of the world with his disciples. He walks on the waters, defends the oppressed and the persecuted. That wasn’t the end; he feeds five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes and casts out demons.


Today, we are witnessing a different world. Churches, government officials, politicians, etc; put their hands on the bible to swear oaths, later they mock the bible and do things contrary to what is written in the holy book.


Nobody apart from Jesus raised the dead, yet today, there are people in our midst that decide who must live and die. A man kills his wife for life insurance; a woman kills the husband to inherit the property both have worked hard for. 

Armed robbers kill a couple, steal money and snatch away a car. These are the disturbing news we receive daily from many parts of the world.


Despite Jesus assuring us that the truth shall set us free, it’s sad to narrate the tragedies, suffering, killings, oppression, domination, and the psychological torture, many have experienced because of simple truth.


From the past generation to the current, if you don’t join the empire of deceitful enemies to sing their choruses of lies, hypocrisy, deceptions, and clandestine crimes, you are considered a threat and dangerous to society.


Since it takes courage to speak the truth, many are scared, and therefore, don’t want to be hurt, injured, lose their friends, or killed, thus; many have become chronic liars till the time they will depart from this earth.


As a believer of the scriptures myself, there are great words, Psalms, etc, that give us the nourishments, courage, hope, joy, and happiness to endure such oppressions that many can’t handle.


Whether the great stories in the bible are true or not, our faith in them has worked for us for decades, therefore, we are neither going to deny The Highest or the Holy Bible.


This is one of the reasons despite the harsh experiences Africans have passed through, the suicide rate on that continent is lower than that of Europe and America.


We are all facing the toughest time in this coronavirus pandemic. As a matter of fact, it’s not the wearing of the mouth mask that can save you. 

It is not the observation of the social distancing rules that can save you and surely, it’s not the recommended vaccination that can save your life, because we have obeyed all these health rules, yet the infections keep rising daily across the world.


Continue to obey those recommended health rules but look unto God for your survival because there are more lies and deceptions associated with the coronavirus than the truth.


We were told it kills old people, but today we know that the disease kills the poor, rich, old, young, including children.


Let God be your shield if all medical recommendations and rules have failed because the assurance God gives us is “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Highest will rest in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

1 comment:

  1. This is what the world 🌎 is experiencing now. What's the way forward?
