Sunday, April 11, 2021

The US government's bad policies have brought untold hardships to humanity


Joe Biden must review America's dangerous policies that remain a threat to humanity

Joe Biden must review America's dangerous policies that remain a threat to humanity

If world leaders are very sincere, then it makes sense to hold the US government accountable for the hostile impact of the coronavirus on humanity today. The whole world is suffering today because of the arrogance and foolish pride of America.


As of now, the coronavirus has killed over two million people (2,931,073) and has infected over one hundred and thirty-five million people ‘135,399,434 worldwide.


Access to the truth has been denied in everything, including politics because the US government is neither ready to repent nor to submit to its clandestine crimes.


And since the developed world wants to maintain a good relationship with the US government, governments have followed, aided, supported, and abetted the US government’s bad policies to our injury.


The COVID 19 which has ferociously hit the world today is the consequence of previous medical crimes of biological weapons by the US government.


The fact that the developed world enjoys watching biological weapons decimate Africa for the benefit of their economies, for decades they all followed and defended the US government’s lies and deceptions about clandestine biological programs in the third world.


Under the umbrella of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the US government deliberately triggered the biological weapons into the innocent population, targeting a particular race, black people.


If one accuses the US government of trying to wipe out the black race, they say it’s not true, yet there are several pieces of evidence about these clandestine plots against humanity, especially black people.


Above all, if you ask WHO and the CDC, why HIV and Aids have killed more black people in America and Africa than any race, they don’t have a specific answer to this question?


Apart from malaria which has been the only devastating disease on the continent of Africa, diseases, such as HIV, Aids, Ebola, Burkitt’s lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, nodding disease, etc, were all man-made.


The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, have broken the health rules by providing false health information on their websites and these are often ranked high by search engine companies. It's a shame that people on the path of truth are psychologically tortured daily.


Deceptive scientists call the Nodding Syndrome a strange disease, there is nothing strange associated with that, it is a pure biological weapon. Above all, monkeys, primates, bats, bushmeats, etc, have nothing to do with HIV, Aids, and Ebola. All are biological weapons.


The lies and deceptions of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control make this world a very dangerous place to live. How long shall this go on? In fact, the US government's bad policies have brought untold hardships to humanity than good.


With one voice, we need to shout it loud and clear to the US government that enough is enough, they must put their clandestine policies somewhere to bring sanity, peace, and good health to humanity.


The world doesn’t need any more biological weapon after HIV, Aids, Ebola, and the coronavirus. The authorities can declare war on writers that live by the truth but the truth will always be there to expose them.

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