Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Great Men Knocked Down By Women: Will It Ever Come To An End?

Great men in sex scandals: Top, from left to right, Bill Clinton, John Profumo, Kobe Bryant and below, from left to right, Mike Tyson, Tiger Woods and Jeffery Archer

Great men in sex scandals: Top, from left to right, Bill Clinton, John Profumo, Kobe Bryant and below, from left to right, Mike Tyson, Tiger Woods and Jeffery Archer.

Newspapers often come out with stories of great people, including politicians and celebrities in sex scandals, turning their lives upside down. Because they weren’t strong enough to control their sexual desire or too weak to resist the charm and power of attractive ladies. 

From Biblical times, there are stories of infidelity and adultery, putting many great men in the worst positions.

One of such stories recorded in the scriptures is that of King David, a composer, the author of the book of Psalms. He couldn’t control his desire after seeing Uriah’s wife through his window taking her bath. 

After failing to persuade Uriah to sleep with his wife, to concede his sin and pregnancy of Bathsheba, David sent Uriah to the hottest part of a battlefield to get him killed. God severely punished David for his sinful act and the child died after birth.

Giving examples of Biblical records of great men involved in sex scandals wouldn’t be intriguing, so let’s shift to our past and present generation. 

On June 5, 1963, British Secretary of War John Profumo resigns his post after confessing that he had lied to the House of Commons about his sexual affair with Christine Keeler, an alleged prostitute. The scandal didn’t affect him alone but threatened to topple Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s government.

A couple of years ago, it was revealed that former president of the USA, Bill Clinton, is involved in an affair with a former staff of the White House, Monica Lewinski. 

I watched as people argued that the story couldn’t be true. Is Clinton different from other great men women had brought to their knees? 

To make matters worse, after Clinton’s denial of not having any relationship with Monica, he later admitted to having sexual intercourse with Monica Lewinski.

What about the boxer Mike Tyson? He was convicted and jailed for raping Desire Washington. According to the story, Tyson invited her to his hotel room. To do what behind closed doors?  Later Mike Tyson was convicted of rape.  

Many believe that Desire lied about being raped by Tyson, unfortunately not everyone believes that. Mike Tyson served his prison sentence but never became the iron Mike he used to be.  

In one of his fights, after coming from prison, frustrated Tyson bit the ear of Evander Holyfield. They say the downfall of a man is not the end of his life, but at times some events and situations can be destructive.

Some years back in Britain, the famous British novelist Jeffery Archer, won a libel suit against the Sun newspaper for an article about him sleeping with a prostitute. According to Mr. Jeffery Archer, the story was untrue and it damaged his reputation. 

The author of ‘Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less’ was finally exposed. He admitted to having asked a friend to lie on his behalf to conceal the truth. So he did really sleep with a prostitute. 

The startling new revelation affected Jeffery Archer such that he stepped down from contesting the seat as the mayor of London. Oh, what a shame?

On September 1, 2004, the criminal sexual assault case against Kobe Bryant, the NBA star, was dropped by the prosecutors because the accuser no longer wanted to participate in the court process.   

This was after Kobe Bryant was charged with sexual assault of a 19-year-old woman in a Colorado hotel where she worked. The question is “why is it that the mighty keep falling from the hands of women?” Is it lust, lack of control or temptation which is causing these problems? I can’t really unfold the mystery behind this.

One of such news about men involved in sex scandals, which shocked the world, was the case of the successful golfer, Tiger Woods. 

With such a  great career, leading him to all the corners of the world and winning great tournaments, the married man lost focus and hit the golf ball into the underwear of porno stars, severely damaging his reputation and career.  

I am a man, therefore I know the comfort and satisfaction at that place which belongs to a woman, but I am aware of the dangers and temptation, especially if you are a married man.

According to the scriptures, God places people in situations where He tests their faith and commitment.  Why God does test us when He knew the man will fail? 

Is man trying to get back the rib God used to create the Eve-woman, while the woman fights hard to keep it? If God really tests man, then a man should pass the trial by not falling into temptations, because He also gave man power to resist temptation. In this case, a man shouldn’t blame God or woman for his failure.

Another question worth to bring on the table is: Can these bitter stories serve as a lesson to other men? Time will tell, but I don’t think so. 

Men will always drift into danger since the body is weak to resist temptation, moreover, Satan is like a hungry lion, lurking around the corner, looking for its next victim to devour, but we mustn’t allow him to catch us.