Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life And Wild Life In Africa Portrayed On Paintings

Artwork by Ng'ang'a Ndeveni

Artwork by Ng'ang'a Ndeveni

Africa is a continent many have a reason not to visit. It may be a question of safety, fear, sickness or any other reason that has tarnished the image of the continent. 

But like any other continent, Africa is a continent with the most talented artists.

Each day in Africa passes with joy and hardships. The best part of it is the life experience portrayed in paintings. 

Despite the negative perception the continent has endured, its art, paintings, and wildlife have attracted thousands of tourists.

The Kenyan artist called Ng’ang’a Ndeveni

The Kenyan artist called Ng’ang’a Ndeveni 

Ng’ang’a Ndeveni is a member of the Akamba tribe of Kenya, well-known for their artistic talents and attention to the details of local Akamba life.

For those that love Africa paintings, there are fine collections of African paintings in stock at Amazon.Com. His official website is at