Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Eating at home is more healthy than outside

Eating at home is more healthy than outside

If you want to eat better and stay healthy, eat at home. Eating out can eventually take its toll. Here’s how: dinners have no control over many aspects of the food they are about to consume. 

For starters, the menu may not be accurate; for example, the menu may say wild-caught salmon while it was really farm-raised salmon where conditions are known to be less than ideal for raising fish. 

Or, it could be worse… where the salmon is cloned. Costco and many other major retailers have refused to carry cloned salmon.

Poultry and eggs may be from chickens jammed into crowded pen conditions instead of being free-range chickens. 

The chickens may be raised in the US, but shipped to China for processing where the US has little control over sanitary conditions. You wouldn’t think it makes economic sense to ship chicken back and forth across the Pacific ocean, but it does

Beef may be from suppliers outside the US where antibiotics and hormones are routinely used to produce faster-growing and fatter beef.  By the way, the US Congress recently passed a law to allow suppliers to remove the country of origin label (COOL) from beef and pork meats.

Also, China plans on producing hundreds of thousands of cloned beef to make up for food shortages. How will American consumers respond if and when presented with cloned beef?