Saturday, April 24, 2010


Brussels, the capital city of Belgium

Brussels, the capital city of Belgium

"The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly"- Albert Einstein

History has once repeated itself again in Belgium's political history. Belgium has plunged into a new political crisis as the premier-elect Yves Leterme hands over his resignation letter to King Albert 11 after his Flemish Liberal Allies (VLD) quit the five-party coalition earlier on Thursday. 

In a similar crisis, the country was left without a permanent government from July 2007 to March 2008, when Leterme came to power.

Yves Leterme has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders to tackle when he took seat barely five months ago. One of the important tasks was to find a lasting solution to a long-running dispute between the Flemish-Speaking and their counterpart French-Speaking Wallonia.  

In his effort to withdraw political boundaries between French and Flemish districts, the Flemish Liberal Party stood against it and split with Leterme. This is really a bad time for such a thing to happen when Belgium takes the seat of the European Union on 1 July 2010.

Even though Belgium is relatively a small country with about 11 million population the country has never enjoyed a smooth or stable government from time to time, because of the different opinions of its nationals, especially the Flemish-speaking communities. 

It is a well-known fact that the Flemish authorities actively discriminate against the Wallonians. In a civilized country like Belgium, this shouldn't happen. Tensions between the French and the majority of Dutch-speaking communities have risen in recent years as parties advocate full autonomy for wealthier flourishing Flanders. 

Over the dispute which led to the resignation of Leterme, the Flemish-run communities on the outskirts of the capital have been trying to dissuade French-speakers from moving in, largely by demanding they speak Dutch. 

The question is does every Dutch speak French? A language must not be imposed on someone before he or she becomes a recognized citizen of a country.

The French-Speaking Belgians effort or right to live in Flemish districts is considered as "Invasion". "We want to preserve the Flemish of this beautiful town," says the Mayor of Gooik. "We don't want it to be overwhelmed by people who speak different languages," says Michael Doomst. 

What kind of discriminatory statements are these in a democratic society? These were the kind of statements often heard in the former Apartheid South Africa, now they are resurfacing in Belgium.

Until a permanent lasting solution is found for this long-running feud between the Flemish and Wallonia, Belgium would never ever enjoy a smooth running of government. What has happened in the past is just the tip of the iceberg. 

More political chaos would come. There is no peace in any country that does not have respect for its fellow citizens. The Flemish must change their character and approach to certain issues. 

Splitting Belgium is not the answer but unity. Whether French or Flemish both are hundred percent Belgians.