Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Failure Is A Lesson That Encourages And Improves The Quality Of Life

Having faith in God builds one strong to avoid depression, loneliness and the tendencies of suicidal

Having faith in God builds one strong to avoid depression, loneliness and the tendencies of suicidal

I have heard many times that ‘Failure is not an option.’ Does it mean that we have to be perfect and successful in whatever we want to achieve in life? How can that be possible? Because since we are human beings and imperfect, we shall continue to experience many setbacks, including failure and disappointment daily in our lives.

In relationships, careers, and businesses, we are all bound to suffer certain problems. The question is, how do we handle or take it personally when we encounter such painful defeats and failures? 

I have seen it sports, tournaments and in certain fields of activities, participants emotionally and psychologically break down in distress, because they failed to achieve what they aimed at.

Life isn’t an easy journey if you want to achieve something genuinely. Many like to avoid life pitfalls or turmoil, by choosing a wrong path or shortcut. You can see them driving expensive cars and dwelling in beautiful mansions, but you don’t know what they do for the living.

When you see them like that, many wish they are one of them, but be careful to wish you are someone until you read the front page of newspapers that the person you wished to be, has been arrested at one of the international airports, in possession of heroin or cocaine. 

Would you like your life to end up in this way, because you wanted to avoid life’s failures and disappointments?

The world is full of great people; sometimes your eyes will be filled with tears when you read their autobiographies to know what they went through before achieving success. In life, failure or disappointment teaches one to be perfect. It worth therefore to see failure as one of the life’s tools that educate and shapes life in a positive way.

My passion to be a writer was easier in Africa than Europe, yet when I was in Africa, I thought Europe will be the right place for me to achieve my aims and objectives. Once in Antwerp, Belgium, I tried to raise a fund to enhance the publication of one of my books. It turns out to be one of the biggest failures in my life.

I couldn’t raise a cent, but this embarrassment wasn’t only what happened. I became a laughing puppet at the school where I’m working. It became a talk of the town with gossips and laughter. Instead of being sad or depressed, I embraced and accepted it as one of life’s challenges to continue writing without looking back.

People do things you may find it hard to believe. I don’t even think children will do what they did. The failure of the fundraising also taught me to be careful those I contact to demand bread. 

If one fails to accept failures and disappointments as instruments destined to educate and propel your career to the highest peak, you may end up at the psychiatry with depression or mental problems.