Thursday, January 07, 2016


Dr. Jeffery Bradstreet

Dr. Jeffery Bradstreet

Not everyone is interested in lies, hypocrisy, and crime, this is one of the reasons my blog has been one of the successful blogs, attracting readers worldwide from over 185 countries.

With the Dutch Micro-Surgeon and scientist, Johan Van Dongen, we shall continue to profit from the weakness and incompetence of the foreign media, (Europe and America) to give the general public hungry for the truth over Aids and Ebola.

We are putting on the Armour of truth, just like last year, without changing our identities and style of writing. T

hose so-called super powers, World Health Organization and Center for Diseases Control fighting hard to cover up those medical crimes in Africa, should bow their heads in shame and ask God for forgiveness, if African leaders are weak, scared and failed to deal with the issue.

There are so many organizations worldwide, fighting to alleviate poverty. Poverty-stricken countries appreciate their efforts and will continue to give them every necessary support they deserve, yet it needs to be said, that effort is like going to the riverside with a basket to fetch some water. It’s a total waste of time and energy.

Poverty alleviation is a dream of illusion. It’s only a poor man’s hope. The so-called superpowers wouldn’t let it happen. How can the corrupt Europe and America pharmaceutical companies profit from man-made diseases plagued on Africans to sustain their economies?

If Africa becomes like any of those advanced continents, where would America and Europe turn to, when ready to find people to use as Guinea pigs, to test those manufactured contaminated and diseased drugs?

In the eighties, some people, including famous celebrities were diagnosed with HIV. Many are still living today, while millions of HIV patients from 1980 have perished and continue perishing. 

This is enough evidence that the drugs sent to Africa for HIV/AIDS patients are either fake or contaminated to increase the plight of Africans.

Another evidence is that the corrupt Europe and America pharmaceutical companies established this plan to make a profit out of Africa’s misery. It will be recalled that last year Micro-Surgeon Johan Van Dongen published an article entitled

“Any African HIV Patient That Swallows AZT Tablet, Is A Lunatic” as a warning to African leaders.

Both the European and American governments are secretly at war with anyone who tries to ruin the profit-oriented pharmaceutical companies since it’s the lifeblood sustaining the economies. 

This is the reason Dr. Jeff Bradstreet was killed, just a few days after publishing research-based on the claim that vaccines caused autism.

Just like always, the European and American media covered up the crime relating to his death and published that he was found in an apparent suicide, and died of what seems to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his chest when there wasn’t evidence that Dr. Bradstreet had any suicidal tendencies.

Living in such a world that cares about money than the welfare and health of people is very dangerous. Poverty is indeed a tool used to sustain crime. 

Some of the police and judges are paid from crime and cheap labor rendered to the government institutions, from criminals thrown into jail. Do you expect this to end poverty? Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.