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In America and Europe, educated white people with an elitist attitude, have a blind eye to the real needs of Africans. The domination and manipulation of black people by the so-called elites have devastated effects on the African continent beyond remedy.
Soldiers, scientists and politicians occupying high positions in Europe and America, must now realize within the second millennium, the destruction and aggression which took place in the last two hundred years in Africa, leaving the continent handicap with poverty and diseases.
I am a scientist (Johan Van Dongen) and since I didn't take part in this horrible crime against mankind, I am free to say that Africa is used as a dumping ground for unwanted drugs, for testing drugs and for exposing people to bio-warfare products. The deliveries of war materials to the wrong regimes have adversely affected the continent as well.
Actually, it seems that Africa is not part of this world because the people have been seriously abused and degraded as if they are not human beings with a brain walking around on the continent. Yet Africans are the same products of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics realized as whites.
So what is the reason white rulers treat blacks unfairly? Many Europeans and Americans do not realize that there is a black American president. In this way, are we not aware that an educated black can also occupy a top position throughout the world? Of course, we do, but to what extent nowadays if we look over the African continent?
For four decades; I did investigations/research to reveal that Aids, Ebola, and many other deadly diseases were medical crimes against Africa. I can't follow their evil deeds, so I'm the enemy today. But that's not what bothers me, because the evil one sows, the same he shall reap.
In order to scrape everything together to provide some counterweight to the destructive way in which Africans have suffered at the hands of whites, I can say that I am ashamed. Yes, I can also say that I can understand the suffering of Africans.
In order to scrape everything together to provide some counterweight to the destructive way in which Africans have suffered at the hands of whites, I can say that I am ashamed. Yes, I can also say that I can understand the suffering of Africans.
Every word of a white mouth seems as empty as the promises that he gives to the people on the continent of Africa. It is always easy for Europe and America to manipulate Africa, because of the corrupt regimes.
Since Africa is the leading continent in corruption, Europe and America support and pays bribes to corrupt African leaders to remain in power. The corrupt African leaders like that, so how do you expect them to accuse Europe and America of medical crimes against the continent?
The only thing that really holds water as described, is that Africans are intelligent enough to manage their own lives and not necessary to depend on the West and America to meddle in Africa's politics.
Africans themselves are in a position to lift up the African continent in the course of humanity to the top of the dams, but massive corruption dominates the leaders' minds than the welfare of the poor and helpless Africans.
Africans themselves are in a position to lift up the African continent in the course of humanity to the top of the dams, but massive corruption dominates the leaders' minds than the welfare of the poor and helpless Africans.
The so-called educated white folk would have to learn, study, and to listen to the voice of Africans. And if a black writer asks himself: “Why black folks were abused and degraded by other races,” there must be an answer, they shouldn't hide from that question. The bell should ring in your minds.
Most striking to me is the absence of African-Americans and wealthy Africans in the diaspora. Not a single one is reaching his hand towards Africa, Africans, your descendants or us, to help reveal the truth about those man-made origins of Aids and Ebola. The Africans in the Diaspora now looked like whites and act like whites. They are not real Africans anymore!
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to know why the other races of mankind, especially the white race, abused and degraded the black race in such a manner. I have considered this question from every possible angle and yet did not seem to find an answer to it.
It was only recently when I forced myself to grapple with the implications of Quantum Mechanics, that I seem to get a handle on my question. It simply did not add up for the universe to allow one particular race, black people, to be insulted and humiliated in such a manner for no reason.
Of course, I can tell the white man with tears in my eyes, the reason he has abused and degraded the black race. In fact, I have said to all Africans in eighteen articles, my opinion about ‘the origin and spread of Aids.’ We, the Western civilization, have cut off African cultures from the traditional roots and the rest of the world cultures.
We, especially the Dutch, have captured Africans and brought them to America for our own profit. We make money out of blacks. That must be the answer! It is a disgrace to say that, but where does it really go wrong? It will be most certainly not Alexander the Great, although he was also white.
Intelligent Africans can call upon Alexander the Great and ask him why he didn’t prevent the downflow of Africa, instead of giving them an opening by bringing the African people into the stream of ancient civilizations? But…, Alexander didn’t explore the Nile and as a consequence, interior Africa or African people have been isolated from the rest of the world.
Also striking is that some Africans discussed the presence of mosquitoes and why white folk did not penetrate Africa until the nineteenth century? Within one of my hundreds of previous articles, I explained to Africans and the Afro-Americans that white folk has developed diseases and put them with genetic engineering techniques into African mosquitoes in order to kill black folks.
This is the reason the type of mosquitoes in Central Africa is different from normal mosquitoes in Africa. I can imagine that my research may not be satisfactory to many, but you shouldn't doubt what I have said. I have already issued a challenge to all top scientists in Europe and America to prove me wrong, if Aids, Ebola, Lassa fever, and other deadly diseases weren't medical crimes against Africa, up till now no one has accepted the challenge.
They are quiet, not because I'm crazy or a liar, but rather they are running away from the truth. They are scared to death if I publish such articles and since I know that fear in their eyes, I will not stop writing or publishing the truth until the time I go down to my grave to rest. They must also live with their crime and guilty conscience forever.
As it were, nature was preserving Africans for a different type of civilization, the one that Africans are best suited for and the type they would lead the world into, a civilization based on love. Nature did not want to corrupt Africans by making them behave like how the other races of mankind behaved hatefully.
All human beings, white, black, and oriental are the same and are coequal. Intelligence is distributed in the same pattern in all the races. As everywhere else, few Africans have superior intelligence, some have above average intelligence and most of them are average and a handful is mentally retarded. If Africans are the same as other people, why are they treated differently?
Dear Africans, in my investigations about ‘Aids and Ebola the greatest crime in medical history against mankind’ I explained the reason white folks have driven black people backward, I will do so again within the next articles. The white folks knew that Africans are intrinsically interested in understanding the meaning of love around them and the world they see.
Africans want to understand the implications of their living and seem to be the consciousness that they are more than matter. Revealing my investigation of Aids and Ebola as medical crimes, made me a whistle-blower, passing through a lot of difficulties in my country, Holland, in a situation I could describe it as 'Darkness fighting the light.'
Europe has exhausted itself, and it will continue to do so. Therefore it is now time for Africans to take over the reins of human civilization and to take your continent to a higher phase of civilization yourself. But never, NEVER be grateful to the whites for what they have done for you because they are too much in debt.
Europeans absolutely do not deserve that gratitude. On the contrary, I would say, of course, you have the right to say that love means union with all beings, I cannot deny that. To be truly human is to love all people. Black folks do love; they love white folks despite white folk’s abuse of them. All those facts are true, only…, white folks haven’t even started to learn those facts.
“In my opinion white smartness is a form of stupidity.” I need to say that because it's absolutely not smart to degrade, abuse, or backward African people in such a way. In the West, smart white people get the Nobel Prize for their criminal actions in Africa, which in my opinion, the Nobel Prize organization is also a criminal institute…!
Every nation that has committed a crime in Africa, during the colonial rule or with medical crimes, should accept the responsibility for all the misery in Africa. We cannot exculpate this mess passed on to the Africans. People can only live in peace together if they can live at peace with themselves.
Only then can insidious diseases, wars, riots, and natural disasters that are increasingly bringing humanity into disrepair be stopped.
Only then can insidious diseases, wars, riots, and natural disasters that are increasingly bringing humanity into disrepair be stopped.
At the end of the last millennium all threats were known and the overall globalization of the third millennium. We should not forget the overall findings by the Aztecs as they mentioned the cataclysm year of 2012.
Is it meaningless? I really don’t know. We should wait, but further destroying our world will become increasingly intense, with protests, terror, and calls for war.
Is it meaningless? I really don’t know. We should wait, but further destroying our world will become increasingly intense, with protests, terror, and calls for war.
I really think we now have to face another sort of cataclysm. Refugee Migration! I also think that we need this to let white people understand what it takes to get a better future.
Therefore I call upon every African or African refugee to come to the Western world to take back what belongs to you. Yes, Western Europe looted the African continent, and all those riches they are now boasting of are still here. Come and enjoy your fruits of labour Africans.
Therefore I call upon every African or African refugee to come to the Western world to take back what belongs to you. Yes, Western Europe looted the African continent, and all those riches they are now boasting of are still here. Come and enjoy your fruits of labour Africans.
Europeans didn't only steal your wealth, but also your health, prosperity, and identity. This way the white ones will be forced to change their attitude. We can not shoot every black person as happening in America, we cannot drown every African in the Mediterranean Sea and we cannot kill every African with contaminated vaccines and poisonous medicines.
The mere fact that the net assets of the sixty-two richest people, like Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, Zuckerberg, and Rothchild, surpass the total income of the suffering and the underprivileged, indicates that the gap between rich and poor has become unbridgeable.
They use this money in many projects to depopulate the world, sometimes without knowing it. Over a hundred employees of the World Health Organization are paid by Bill and Linda Gates. What about the secretly paid employees in other so-called distinguished organizations?
They use this money in many projects to depopulate the world, sometimes without knowing it. Over a hundred employees of the World Health Organization are paid by Bill and Linda Gates. What about the secretly paid employees in other so-called distinguished organizations?
Pecuniary wealth has become concentrated in countries outside Africa, a continent plundered by human beings and wealth by the whites. In over one hundred poor countries, it's just a sharp drop in the average income shown and that worldview is an increasingly rapid process to the detriment of Africa, which is not changing for the better.
Africans, you talked about God? I have long wondered exactly who He is and why He allows people to dice with African people for their own gain. I am not God, of course not, but certainly I know that He God is neither Ego, white, black, Jehovah, Muslim, Christian, or Jew. Yes, God is not even an entity but still present.
I think the current belief on earth is, people, feel they will not succeed in describing him as the Ultimate Source and power of the universe. The closest way to describe him to me seems to Quantum Mechanic and physics theories but just then, humans forever will be humans until they have eradicated themselves.
Africans sorry!!!! But does my sorry and shame help? I doubt it, the only thing that will rest is to give the world back to the African natives and their splendid traditional healers….. A world without white conquerors…!