Saturday, March 28, 2020


Photos of some of the Italian doctors killed by the coronavirus

Photos of some of the Italian doctors killed by the coronavirus

The coronavirus, also known as Covid 19, doesn't discriminate. The impact of this deadly disease since it started from Wuhan China, has been disastrous, killing both the young and the old, as well as the doctors who are saving the lives of the infected patients.

In Italy alone, more than 5,000 doctors, nurses, ambulance staff and health personnel, have been infected by the virus. The disease has killed over forty-one doctors, working relentlessly to save lives, since the outbreak of the disease which has hit the country more than any European country.

The number of doctors who died from the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy keeps rising. According to the update from the National Federation of Medical Orders, the latest certified deaths are Rosario Lupo, a medical examiner from Bergamo and Giuseppe Fasoli, a retired family doctor who returned to work for the coronavirus emergency.

The world is mourning, yet the impact of the coronavirus is far from over. It was revealed yesterday that the death toll of doctors in Italy has risen to 51. 

The medications authorized by the Italian government to treat Covid-19 patients, are Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine-based antimalarial, which is fully paid by the National Health Service for the treatment of patients with Sars-CoV2 infection. 

In the last four days, the number of new positives at Covid-19 in Italy continues to rise, fortunately, the contagion curve continues to slow down. At 18, 00 yesterday, there were 4,492 more than the previous day. 

The number of the dead registered yesterday was 712 people, 50 more than the official bulletin communicated by the Civil Protection, from which there were no victims in Piedmont, against 683 on Wednesday, bringing the total death toll with coronavirus to 8215.

Despite the grave situation, many are also recovering. It is estimated about 10, 361 people have been healed from the virus, including,  Emilia Romagna, a grandmother of 95 in Modena, Italy.

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