Saturday, March 28, 2020


Fidel Castro and Kwame Nkrumah

 Fidel Castro and Kwame Nkrumah

African leaders like Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, Kenneth Kaunda, to mention but a few weren’t only intelligent but also had a vision over how the state of Africa would be if the US government America forces that type of lunatic Democracy on Africa.

As a matter of fact, this is one of the reasons even though Nkrumah studied in America; he had no interest in a democracy than communism. Instead of Nkrumah seeking help from America to build his country, Ghana, Nkrumah collaborated with communist leaders in Russia, China, and Cuba.

Like Nkrumah, Fidel Castro also wasn’t interested in democracy but the US government doesn’t leave leaders who aren’t interested in a democracy alone. The CIA will work hard to eliminate you. Both Kwame Nkrumah and Fidel Castro survived several assassination attempts.

Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro

Nelson Mandela and Fidel Castro

The significance of this article is to ask why the US government wants countries globally to follow democracy? And why countries that aren’t interested in democracy instantly become enemies? As the story goes America’s deadly hands of democracy got all African countries under its control

The American government can’t stop preaching about democracy, telling the world that “system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives,” is the best government for humanity, persuading all the Third world also follows the 'almighty' democracy.

However, America has a different opinion or agenda when soliciting for democracy in Africa. To carry out clandestine crimes against humanity, to kill every powerful Third World leader they consider a threat and to test drugs and biological weapons, such as Aids and Ebola, in poor African countries to support their global depopulation schemes.

The oppression of Africans will never come to an end, firstly, because our leaders have no vision, and secondly, they are corrupt, lazy and inefficient to utilize their own resources, instead they have become a new generation of slaves to advanced countries, such as Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and the United States of America.

Fidel Castro and Julius Nyerere

Fidel Castro and Julius Nyerere

No matter how hard African leaders will try, the continent will never move forward because that’s part of a hidden definition of America’s democracy, to set a military base throughout Africa and manipulate African leaders’ efforts. Why the US government didn't call out for rich Libya under Qadaffi to build a military base in America?

After the manipulation of African leaders' efforts and the destabilization of our economy, African leaders would lay red carpets for the foreign criminals when on a visit. Yet Africans are always insulting their leaders without commenting on the criminal activities of the US government in Africa. However, African leaders deserve it.

African leaders can’t speak against Aids and Ebola, well-known African pastors also can’t speak against the crime the US government commits in Africa because the US embassies will deny them a visa to enter into the US, thus; America has been successful with its clandestine crimes in Africa.

Fidel Castro and Thabo Mbeki

Fidel Castro and Thabo Mbeki

The experience of past African political history should have been bonafide events to teach African leaders the best way to handle affairs in Africa. Unfortunately, past events don’t mean anything to our modern African leaders because they are only interested in power and corruption.

If Africa is in this turbulent state or my beloved Ghana in such an acute economic crisis, how will Ghana be in the next ten years? It’s frightening indeed. I have said and I will repeat once again, “Both NPP and NDC can’t save Ghana, despite all the noise both parties are making over who is the best and the failure.

African countries, including my beloved Ghana, will crawl out from the coma when they stop depending on those Ghanaians called “Kumfudumfo.” (They claim they are helping you, yet they are killing you.)

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