The spread of the coronavirus is at a very fast rate than previously thought
The coronavirus that emerged from Wuhan -China, last year, and now on a killing spree, is more associated with lies and deceptions than the search for the right vaccine to save lives.
Meanwhile, the disease has claimed the lives of thousands of people across the globe, hitting the United States of America with a heavy death toll.
What is making the situation worse is political issues, for example, in the United States; Joe Biden’s Democrats are using the devastation coronavirus situation as a weapon against Trump, in order to lose the elections, instead of all of them coming together to help deal with the crisis.
According to Biden, Trump lied about the coronavirus to Americans but as an African writer, I am also asking Biden if Obama did speak the truth about Ebola.
Many Americans and their leaders don’t care about what happens in Africa but one thing nobody should forget is there is a reward for everything people do whether good or evil.
So if the US government commits a crime in Africa and Americans don’t care, they will get the payback at the right time to understand what Africans feel in those times of the deliberate spread of diseases on the continent.
The truth is that it is always the innocent people that pay for the crimes their leaders commit. It is always the innocent people that burn even though they didn’t start the fire and it is always the innocent victims' biological weapon kills, yet they are not responsible.
Surprisingly, Americans support and cheer their leaders for everything and crimes they commit because they don’t want to be called a traitor.
Nobody wants to speak the truth about the coronavirus because the US government has engaged in similar clandestine acts, such as HIV-Aids and Ebola. If the truth has never been given the chance in the Aids and Ebola biological weapons, then the truth will also be denied in the coronavirus pandemic.
In my opinion, the lies, the suppression of information, and deceptions associated with the coronavirus have worsened the situation than the late arrival of the right vaccine. Therefore, the right remedy actually to arrest the deadly pandemic is the truth, not a vaccine.
The world is never informed in time that the coronavirus is airborne; it was revealed recently. This is also another crime committed by the World Health Organization. World leaders and countries put all their trust in the WHO but the crime this health institution has committed around the globe, especially Africa, is appalling and sickening.
The mainstream media, including the CNN for decades continue to support the lies and crimes of the US government, despite the boast of a qualified health journalist, Sanjay Gupta, CNN claimed monkeys are responsible for Aids and bats for Ebola, yet the same CNN is now calling Donald Trump a liar.
What is going on in this world that has shut down the brain of the media to accept the truth?
Before the lies, deceptions, and the suppression of information, are taken seriously by governments, the coronavirus deaths will increase rapidly in such a way that the arrival of vaccines will be totally meaningless and useless to contain the already hopeless situation.
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